Steam Injector


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Steam Injector is a device that uses high-pressure fluid (called working fluid) to inhale low-pressure fluid (called injection fluid) to increase the pressure of injection fluid. It is used in vacuum systems, petrochemical systems, etc.


Steam Injector is a device that uses high-pressure fluid (called working fluid) to inhale low-pressure fluid (called injection fluid) to increase the pressure of injection fluid, such as vacuum system, petrochemical system, etc.

The working process of the steam Injector can be roughly divided into three stages:

(1) The working fluid can form a high-speed jet to convert the pressure into a kinetic energy stage.

(2) In the mixing stage of the working medium and the Injector, the mass, momentum and energy of the two fluids are exchanged, the speed of the Injector is increased, and the working medium transports the Injector to the diffusion section.

(3) Compression stage, that is, the two fluids in the expander gradually compress while continuing the energy exchange, converting the kinetic energy into pressure energy, and the mixed fluid is discharged from the Injector.

Scope of use

1. High-temperature and high-pressure steam with high energy attracts low-pressure steam by injecting high-speed jets, and is used for steam of mixed temperature and pressure required by the production process. This is a relatively energy-saving form (relative to the desuperheater and pressure reducer) required to solve the process, and it is also more convenient.

2. A certain amount of cold water is attracted to the required temperature by the steam jet, and sent to the necessary places for heating and domestic water.


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