Become a Member of the Network of Excellence Contractors of PEI

May 15th, 2024

On May 15, 2024, Hill Green Energy Co., Ltd. is pleased to learn from efficiencyPEI that our Participation Agreement has been countersigned by the Director, making us a member of the Network of Excellence Contractors for Energy Efficient Programs and Services.

Hill Green Energy Co., Ltd. is now fully enrolled in the active online list of Contractors Network for Energy Saving Programs and Service Excellence | Government of Prince Edward Island

As a contractor, we will play an important role in advocating, promoting and participating in efforts to help residents and businesses save energy costs. We will work with governments, businesses and residents to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and do our part to save the planet.

Sign a Network of Excellence General Participation Agreement with Government of PEI

May 7th, 2024

On May 7, 2024, Hill Green Energy Co., Ltd. and the Government of Prince Edward Island signed a Network of Excellence General Participation Agreement

This new agreement will allow Hill Green Energy Co., Ltd. to contribute to Prince Edward Island’s net-zero goals. Now is the time for all Islanders to embrace the global call for climate action, and we will do this by delivering efficient ground-mounted photovoltaic systems for residential and commercial use.

Government’s Network of Excellence (“NOE”) program (“NOE program”) is designed to encourage contractors to identify and promote energy efficiency equipment, materials and opportunities in their work.

Signed Contract with Jilin Wenjiao Boiler Co., Ltd

May 27th, 2022

In May, 2022, we Signed the contract with Jilin Wenjiao Boiler Co., Ltd. with four sets of Boiler Exhausted Gas Economizer and Condenser used for 14000 KW Steam Boiler.

The four sets of Boiler Exhausted Gas Economizer and Condenser have both the economizer and condenser at the same exhaust pipe.

The contract is set to replace the old Economizer and Condenser as following.

Signed Contract with State Power Investment Corporation

April 6th, 2022

In April, 2022, we signed the contract with the State Power Investment Corporation on the Lead-Bismuth Air Cooler Heat Exchanger.

This Air Cooler heat exchanger is worked for Fast Neutron Test Facility.

Signed Contract with Shannxi Qinhua (Baoji) Heating Group

February 8th, 2022

In Feb, 2022, we signed four sets of Boiler Exhausted Gas Condenser contract with Shannxi Qinhua (Baoji) Heating Group. 

Those four sets of Condenser are designed for 1400KW Heating Boiler.

It designed to reduce the outlet exhaust gas to 40℃(104℉).

Signed Contract with Nuclear Industry 23 Construction Corporation

December 8th, 2021

In Dec, 2021, we signed a contract with Engineering Technology Research and Design Institute of China Nuclear Industry 23 Construction Corporation.

Within the contract, there are one set of Shell & Tube Exchanger, three sets of U-Tube Shell & Tube Boiler Exchanger.
All those Shell & Tube Exchanger are working at 20 BarG pressure, and nearly 200℃(392℉).

All those Shell & Tube Exchanger are working at 20 BarG pressure, and nearly 200℃(392℉).

Signed Contract with Shannxi Qinhua Heating Group

October 18th, 2021

In Oct, 2021, we signed six sets of Boiler Exhausted Gas Condenser contract with Shannxi Qinhua Heating Group.

Those six sets of Condenser are designed for 1400KW Heating Boiler.