Natural Gas Boiler Exhaust Economizer and Condenser


$1,000 is only the down-payment of the product.

Natural gas boiler exhaust condenser, an energy saving equipment with condensing vapor in the exhaust gas of the boiler, can recover and utilize the latent heat of vaporization of natural gas boiler exhaust, which can significantly improve the energy utilization efficiency of boiler and increase the thermal efficiency of boiler from 92% to 102-110%.


Natural gas boiler exhaust heat recovery can be done with a separate boiler exhaust condenser to recover the exhaust heat moderately, or in the form of exhaust condenser plus heat pump to recover the exhaust heat deeply.

①  Boiler exhaust economizer can use heating return water of hot water boiler or cold-water tank of steam boiler as the cold source to recover sensible energy from the exhaust. Only using the above-mentioned cold source as a heat energy recovery carrier, it is able to increase the boiler thermal efficiency to 98% and achieve the purpose of recovering sensible heat energy at the highest cost-efficiency ratio.

②  After recovering the sensible heat energy from the exhaust economizer, there is still a large amount of latent heat in the exhaust not recovered. This part of the latent heat is much higher than sensible exhaust heat. The exhaust condenser can recover it by using the chilled water of the heat pump as the cold medium. This low-temperature heat energy can be used in a heat pump to produce high-temperature hot water for radiation heating or air conditioning, which can be supplied to the building. With this type of heat recovery, the thermal efficiency of the boiler can be reached to 102-110%.


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